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The power of giving and kindness

BHC have been supporting charities for years.

Supporting charities give us this incredibly unique opportunity to make a positive impact in our communities. Not only does charitable giving help those in need, but it also aligns with the values of BHC employees, suppliers and customers. It feels good for the soul to raise money or other donations for a deserving cause. We all want that warm glow from knowing we have done a Good Deed. In dark times, a bit of kindness goes a long way.

As we all know, acts of kindness and giving to others can have a significant impact on our mental health too. By helping others we can boost our self-esteem, reduce stress & anxiety. It provides sense of purpose.

As a business it helps us build stronger relationships with our communities. By partnering with local charities, we are invested in the well-being of our community, and we are committed to making a positive impact. 

Here at Bailey’s, we believe that charity events create a great team building opportunities. Taking part in charitable events outside of work tasks can forge new relationships and help old team members to bond over a worthy common purpose. It can also open up a communication between senior management and other employees which is so important!

Charity work also offers us great networking opportunities with other businesses. Meeting up with a powerful network of like-minded business people from other companies to help work for a joint cause undoubtedly brings networking benefits. This is a perfect way for us to reach out and connect with other businesses and sectors of the community on a different platform.

​As a “people first” business, BHC wants to make sure that the charities we support are close to the hearts of everyone in our team. We have a dedicated team member whose role it is to promote our charitable causes internally, make sure we support them in the most relevant way, and to coordinate events and awareness activities.

We work closely and are proud to have supported the Forest of Marston Vale since 2018 and to be part of helping the Forest to grow. We are committed to offsetting any inevitable pollution caused by the heating systems we install by planting a tree for every boiler installed. Every year together with some of our business acquaintances we plant over 300 trees. It’s a great experience and team building exercise as well as amazing cause.

We also support NHS Charity, Bedford Hospital, Luton & Dunstable University hospital, helping to purchase additional equipment and comfort items, benefiting the staff, patients, and visitors. Latest support is for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). One in then babies in the UK needs specialist care when born & each year over 900 babies who need specialist care are treated in the L&D’s NICU.

We also support local charities through social events. Just the other weekend we were donating money to help refurbish the Meadow Suite at Keech Hospice by being the main t-shirt sponsor in the Celebrity Charity Football Match in Memory of Gorgeous George Fox.

Together we make a difference.

Supporting a charity helps define our identity.

We are trustworthy and ethical business; we believe in people, honest values and that helping others is always the best way forward.

We stand up for what we believe. The power of giving and kindness.

About the author


Bailey's Heating Company Ltd

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